Meet me and see our studioAward winning, professionally
qualified photographer with over 30 years experience
Maria Paz Fernandez Garcia BA (Hons) Fine Art L.M.P.A
A little bit about me…Although I’m Spanish, I’ve lived most of my life in other countries (from age 3 in the United States, arriving in England age 14 with 2 years in between in Germany)
After my degree in Fine Art I started a business which went on to became a national, high volume company, photographing hundreds of babies in a British Department store chain. After a brief rest to raise my children (haha, not that any mum would call it rest, right!?), I started another business specialising in general photography, mainly portraiture and weddings until I decided to plan my return to my country of origin. I am now based in San Juan de Alicante, specialising in newborn photography, maternity and families. Please click here to see other work.

Highly Commended
By entering monthly competitions I regularly receive highly commended recognition of my work and great critiques which help to develop my craft.

The Master Photographer's Association
I am a fully qualified member of the most prestigious association of professional photographers who, by working together, help to raise the standard of professionalism within the industry. As a member I take part in regular critiques and competitions in order to further develop my craft and serve you better. I am very proud to have recently reached the finals in the yearly, national competition.

International Award
I felt very honoured to have achieved an award as a finalist in the yearly international competition.

The Studio
Please feel free to come and visit the studio where you will be able to see our selection of products and discuss your session, order, or simply to say hello! I’d love to meet you! BUT, bare in mind we are only open with prior appointment. Knock on the door, by all means if you’re passing or make an appointment by phoning, whastsapp message or email.
We are at Carrer Juan Sebastián Elcano 25, San Juan de Alicante (next door to the famous Quintin Restaurant)
Please click below for map.